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Becoming a Precinct Committeeperson

During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Elizabeth Willing Powel approached Benjamin Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” To which Franklin famously responded:

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

Franklin’s words remind us that the preservation of a republic requires active engagement, vigilance, and collective responsibility. As citizens, we play a crucial role in maintaining the principles of our founding fathers, safeguarding our institutions, and ensuring that our republic endures.

So, let us heed Franklin’s wisdom and actively participate in civic life, cherishing and protecting the founding father's ideals upon which our nation stands.

Becoming a Precinct Committeeperson (PC) in is an effective way to serve the political party and engage with voters at the grassroots level. 

  1. Eligibility

    • You must be a registered voter in the precinct where you intend to serve as a PC.

    • PCs are elected during even-year Primary Elections (every two years) as per the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5/).

  2. Two Ways to Become a PC

    • Election by Ballot

      • Run for the position during the Primary Election.

      • Collect a minimum of 10 signatures from primary electors of your party.

      • File a Statement of Candidacy along with your nomination papers.

    • Appointment via the County Chair*

      • In some cases, vacancies may be filled by appointment through the County Chair.

      • However, election by ballot is the preferred method.

  3. Commitment and Responsibilities

    • PC's are committed to executing their duties and responsibilities.

    • They shape party policy, participate in candidate selection, and serve as the face of the party within their precincts.

    • PC's are year-round campaign volunteers, working to maximize Republican votes on Election Day.

  4. The Five C's of Being a Republican Precinct Committeeman

    • Commitment: Be committed to your role.

    • Communication: Act as the conduit of information between the party and voters.

    • Contribution: Help grow the GOP and deliver Republican votes.

    • Connection: Be the face of the GOP within your precinct.

    • Core: PC's are the core of grassroots efforts.


Being a PC allows you to make a difference in your community and contribute to the political process. 


*After the Primary Election, for all precincts where a Precinct Committeeperson was not filled by the election, the office is open and vacant and seats may then be filled by appointment for the remainder of the current term (two years). Candidates who wish to fill a vacancy to become Precinct Committeepersons must first file an application.

The office of "Precinct Committeeperson" is defined in the Illinois Election Code,  (10 ILCS 5/7-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 7-8), Ward, Township and Precinct Committeepersons section which also defines the process for becoming one.

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